Unfortunately we don’t think things there are going to improve for a long while and for most of our Golden Oldies we are the only additional support they have. Your continued donations are a very important life line to them reminding them that we are continuously thinking about them and still care. Attached below is a picture of the Gifts received by our Golden Oldies. The Christmas trip has come to an end and I will be sending out the trip report in January.
Thank you so much for helping us support our “Golden Oldies” during these very difficult times this past year. Your support is invaluable to us and we at the ZPSF would never be able to sustain our regular supply of relief parcels if it were not for donations such as yours. All of this happens because of people like you our Donors, ensure our wheels keep turning, you are all truly amazing. THANK YOU and God Bless.
Please note the office is now closed for the year for a desperately needed time out and all outstanding Thank Yous will be sent out in the second week of January 2018.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.
Our hearts swell with deepest appreciation and gratitude for your spirit of sharing always giving us hope our Golden Oldies are eternally grateful for your love and care. Merry Christmas greetings
The 3
most important pillars of our cause:
UNIQUENESS – being one of a kind and knowing that the ZPSF is driven by good
will and very passionate members.
TRANSPARENCY – enforcing the rule that all members must be fully informed
before taking part in this noble venture.
ACCOUNTABILITY – Having a traceable paper trail for every cent handled, and
regular revues conducted.
Kind Regards
Linda Schultz
Director – Fund Raising & Awareness for the Zimbabwe Pensioner Support Fund
(C) 079 6082676 (T) 013 7900934
Fax to Email – 086 267 8499
Section 21 Co Reg. 2007/034036/08; NPO Number 096733; Section 18A PBO No 930031642
Alone we can do so little, together we can achieve much more!!!!
Director: Hannes Botha
084 5893221