had hurt his left knee quite bad, a week before he left, trusting it would be
well enough for the trip and to get in and out of the truck, for much needed
food supplies to go through the border, so Attie left to go, even though he was
not well enough to go. The trip was brought forward
5 days, due to the office being informed that there had once again been changes
to the system and that once you have received “Notification” the vehicle has 10
days to get through the border. After 3 days of heavy stress, travelling to get
the trip done, he got to Harare, he felt he couldn’t go on because of the
extreme pain in the injured knee, his right arm was so badly swollen, that he
couldn’t use it at all and he had no energy, he had chronic fatigue. His whole
body was in pain and after much persuasion from John & Leoni Herbst, where
he was staying as also his passenger, Bruce Chilcott from Gweru, it was decided
to fly him back to S.Africa, Johannesburg, the next day Wednesday the 11th
October, and get him to hospital straight away. He was a very sick man, the
ambulance met him at the Airport and they suspected possible septicemia, in the
knee, so he was taken to hospital. The next day his knee was operated on and
all that was causing the problems inside the knee was removed. Various other
tests have been done, re his chronic fatigue problems and we trust the reason
will be found. He is much better and has been told to take it easy and the knee
has to heal completely.
Brother Hannes, came through to finish the trip, so
that the rest of the pensioners can get their food, thank you Hannes, once
again it shows the dedication we all have towards this worthy cause. Attie
wants to thank all of you for your concern, care, support and carrying him in
I want to thank John and Leonie who walked the
extra mile with Attie and Bruce who was there to help him in more ways than
one. You’re all STARS!! Much love Liz