WE ARE SO CLOSE!!! 502 Boxes for our Golden Oldies Adopted for far, Yippee, Still 218 to go. Then the Frail Care parcels and Kitchen Gifts. It’s that time of the year again and we at the ZPSF would like to be able to make the upcoming Christmas of 2021 extra special for our pensioners. A huge Thank You to everyone who is / has supported us so far. The current value of the Christmas single person parcel is about R1200 but we are asking for R800 ($60) (£50). (SAME AS THE PAST 6 YEARS). Even if a group of friends make a joint donation to adopt a Golden Oldie or just add to the Christmas kitty for those who are not yet adopted. Your support will go a long way to help making them feel very special this Christmas. For those who would still like to donate towards the upcoming trip or sponsor one of the few outstanding boxes please find in good order the various ways to make a donation below.

For your convenience I have attached a copy of the partial name list of pensioners receiving individual boxes showing who has been adopted to date. I know everyone is curious about the Gifts, trust me they are super awesome but i am only posting pictures of them once the truck is doing its rounds. I don’t want to ruin the surprise, as for a lot of our Golden Oldies this will be the only gift they receive this year for Christmas. Although just a small hint, due to the current load shedding in Zimbabwe we have included something once again to sched some light on the situation.
Please if you notice any errors on the name lists if you can contact me and let me know. I always try my best to keep it 100% but errors do occur. Also please if you make a donation and are adopting one of our Grannies or Grandpas please send me an email on linda@zpsf.co.za no matter which way you are making your donation from the various ways listed below. This is so that I can please keep track of who has been adopted. Thank You.
A quick update on Hannes our Chief who started this life saving Fund in 2002. Hannes has to date received 10 rounds of Chemo with this current one being his last for now. He is in good spirits and determined to beat this THING. We would like to thank everyone for the well wishes and prayers received so far. He is a firm believer that this will not get him down and he is going to carry on living as normally as possible!! And yes, he is keeping us on our toes.
2021 has been a difficult year to date in the sense that most months the expenditure exceeded the funds income with all the current chaos in the world, as well as having a definite driver shortage and doing the trips every 6 weeks we are exhausted but then again what’s new. The recession seems to have affected most people in Zimbabwe. We have been supporting pensioners in Zimbabwe for the past 19 years. Over the years the Zimbabwe Pensioner Support Fund has gone from supporting 1 pensioner to currently supporting about 1050 pensioners with an apple box filled with non-perishable food in 28 old age homes / organizations throughout Zimbabwe. This is only about 60% or so of the pensioners that need help. We also assist similar organizations called “S.O.A.P” (Support Old Age Pensioners) in Bulawayo and have helped to set up a system similar to SOAP in Gweru, Zvishavane, Masvingo, Red Cliff, Kwe Kwe and Kadoma to cater for pensioners that are not in old age homes as well as various kitchens. As far as we are aware we are the largest Non-Government organization supporting pensioners still in Zimbabwe who lost everything when the Zimbabwe dollar ceased to exist.
Prices in Zimbabwe of basics are increasing daily in both the local currency and USD, so no matter what funds, if any you have, you are constantly on the loosing side of the battle. There is just no relief. Our Golden Oldies who are currently most at risk are those who are not in an old age home. They are the ones with little to no support at all. They live in outside “Maids” quarters, in their own home (often falling apart) and for most of them almost total isolation. This is where our Outsiders lists are so important in trying to keep track and assist these Golden Oldies as much as possible. Letting them know we care is of utmost importance.
One pensioner at Boggies Trust in Gweru described what we are doing as “ CHRISTANITY IN ACTION”. On the Christmas Trip “when we also hand out a small present to each of our pensioners, one pensioner had this to say. “ I have family all over the world but the only Christmas present I had to open on Christmas day was The one from the ZPSF “.
Our Various Banking Details:
Our Adopt a Golden Oldies general link https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=U89HDVRXALKXU
SA Account
ACCOUNT NUMBER 62239042906
Please if you make a Donation to this account is you can send a mail to myself linda@zpsf.co.za so that I can send you an acknowledgement of Donation.
UK Account – Our NEW UK banking details:
Barclays Bank, West Swindon
Sort code:20-68-15
Account No: 23398579
Swift Code is:BUKGB22
IBAN is: GB49 BUKB 20681523398579
Please if you make a Donation to this account is you can send a mail to Betiann at betiann1@sky.com so that she may send you an acknowledgement of Donation
A Registered 501(c)3 organization. TAX-deductible receipts available for USA donors.
Donations via Paypal, use the following link:
USA address to post cheques
3901 Hillwood Way
Bedford TX 76021
The USA now has Venmo for easier payments.
To request additional information, or receipts, email Alice at zpsf.usa@gmail.com
Australia Account – Rhodesian Association of Western Australia
Rhodesian Association of WA
P & N Bank
BSB 806 015
Account No. 01811882
Please include name and ZPSF in the reference. Acknowledgement will be given in our quarterly newsletter. If a receipt is required, please let Doug know at admin@rhodesianassociation.com
These food hampers serve 2 purposes.
1 They supply much needed food to the pensioner.
2 The pensioner then knows that someone cares about them
We are an officially registered Non-Profit Organization and Section 21A in South Africa and are registered with SARS as a Public Benefit Organization in terms of section 18A the Income Tax Act (Which means all South African donations are issued with a Tax Certificate and can be claimed back). PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU WOULD LIKE A TAX CERTIFICATE STATING ALL YOU DONATIONS. They will be issued once our Financial Year End has been processed, so from about mid-April 2022. UK supporters can be issued with a Gift Aid Certificate via Betti-Ann McLean and the USA account is now a Registered 501(c)3 organization and as such Tax-deductible receipts available for USA donors via Alice Short.
Your continued donations are a very important life line to them reminding them that we are continuously thinking about them and still care. All of this happens because of people like you, our Donors ensure our wheels keep turning, you are all truly amazing. THANK YOU and God Bless.
We hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Our hearts swell with deepest appreciation and gratitude for your spirit of sharing always giving us hope, our Golden Oldies are eternally grateful for your love and care.

Kind Regards Linda Schultz Director – Fund Raising & Awareness for the Zimbabwe Pensioner Support Fund Phone 013 7900934 Cell 079 608 2676 Email linda@zpsf.co.za Web www.zpsf.co.za Section 21 Co Reg. 2007/034036/08; NPO Number 096733; Section 18A PBO No 930031642 The 3 most important pillars of our cause: UNIQUENESS – being one of a kind and knowing that the ZPSF is driven by good will and very passionate members. TRANSPARENCY – enforcing the rule that all members must be fully informed before taking part in this noble venture. ACCOUNTABILITY – Having a traceable paper trail for every cent handled, and regular revues conducted. |