A quick word from me at the ZPSF office.
We are currently going full tilt with the final preparations for our September trip which will be commencing within the next few days. It currently looks like Johan will be doing most of the trip with the UD 90 including the Bulawayo deliveries as we have just received news this morning that Dave will not be available. Hannes Jovner has already been booked to do his normal part of the route and for this we are grateful. This is to be our second to last trip for the year with our next one being the “Magic One”.
I have less than 2 months to do the last of the Fund Raising for our Christmas trip, which is scheduled to leave Malelane at the end of November 2022. This will be our last trip for the year. I know a lot of you must be “TIRED” of me by now, but I am just trying my best to make sure this will once again be a special reason for them to smile. Your donations are important to the survival of our wonderful Golden Oldies.
Once again we are running our adopt a Golden Oldie campaign for our 1050 grannies and grandpa’s still in Zimbabwe this Christmas. The cost of adopting a single person for Christmas will be about R800 ($60). (SAME AS THE PAST 7 YEARS) Even if a group of friends make a joint donation to adopt a Golden Oldie or just add to the Christmas kitty for those who are not yet adopted. We currently have 771 boxes up for adoption. Then the Frail Care parcels and Kitchen Gifts.
We managed to get everyone adopted last year so let’s see what we can achieve this year.

Please, Please, help me make MAGIC and let them know they are all still so special to us!!! I have made a promise to myself that I will give my all to make this an incredible time for all our Golden Oldies!! One pensioner at Boggies Trust in Gweru described what we are doing as “CHRISTANITY IN ACTION“. On the Christmas Trip when we also hand out a small present to each of our pensioners, one pensioner had this to say. “ I have family all over the world but the only Christmas present I had to open on Christmas day was The one from the ZPSF “.
Adopt a Golden Oldie for Christmas 2022 https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=U89HDVRXALKXU
NB!! If you can please send me an email with the proof of payment and name of the Golden Oldie you wish to Adopt for Christmas to linda@zpsf.co.za so that I can correctly allocate the donation to the Golden Oldie adopted and send you a thank you note. We appreciate any and all support received as every little bit helps us to assist the people of Zimbabwe. As you are aware it is solely your donations that keep us running and any donation no matter how small aids us in achieving our goal of helping our Golden Oldies
We have had a difficult year to date in the sense that some months the expenditure exceeded the funds income, but then again what’s new. The recession seems to have affected most people. We have been supporting pensioners in Zimbabwe for the past 20 years. Over the years the Zimbabwe Pensioner Support Fund has gone from supporting 1 pensioner to currently supporting just over 1050 pensioners with an apple box filled with non-perishable food in 26 old age homes / organizations throughout Zimbabwe. We also assist similar organizations called “S.O.A.P” (Support Old Age Pensioners) in Bulawayo and have helped to set up a system similar to SOAP in Gweru, Zvishavane, Masvingo, Red Cliff, Kwe Kwe and Kadoma to cater for pensioners that are not in old age homes as well as various kitchens. As far as we are aware we are the largest Non-Government organization supporting pensioners still in Zimbabwe who lost everything when the Zimbabwe dollar ceased to exist.
The first thing one needs to understand is that almost 75% of the pensioners do not have a pension or income and those that do receive between $13 – $40 US dollars. They did make adequate provision for their old age and originally retired comfortably. However, as Zimbabwe’s inflation went up into the “billions” of percent, the government kept taking off zeroes in an attempt to stabilize the economy. Overnight in January 2010 the reserve bank removed another 12 zeroes and people who had billions of Zimbabwe dollars were paupers the next day. No matter whether they had Zimbabwean dollars in the bank or at home they lost everything and were left with useless pieces of paper. They have never been compensated for the loss and never will be. So even though the currency changed to US dollars what they had in Zimbabwean dollars no longer existed. Our Pensioners are now at the mercy of Good Samaritans that reach out to them. That is where the Zimbabwe Pensioners Support Fund comes in.
It is truly heartbreaking that a generation that worked hard their whole lives, made adequate provision for their old days should have to go through something like this not once but twice.
We are an officially registered Non-Profit Organization and Section 21A in South Africa and are registered with SARS as a Public Benefit Organization in terms of section 18A the Income Tax Act (Which means all South African donations are issued with a Tax Certificate and can be claimed back). PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU WOULD LIKE A TAX CERTIFICATE STATING ALL YOU DONATIONS. The following branches are registered sub branches of the ZPSF-SA, ZPSF-UK supporters can be issued with a Gift Aid Certificate via Betti-Ann McLean and the USA account is a Registered 501(c)3 organization and as such Tax-deductible receipts available for USA-ZPSF donors via Caron Berryhill.
Our Various ways to make a contribution:
Our Adopt a Golden Oldie SA worldwide general link https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=U89HDVRXALKXU
SA Account
ACCOUNT NUMBER 62239042906
Please if you make a Donation to this account is you can send a mail to myself linda@zpsf.co.za so that I can send you an acknowledgement of Donation.
UK Account
Barclays Bank, West Swindon
Sort code:20-68-15
Account No: 23398579
Swift Code is:BUKGB22
IBAN is: GB49 BUKB 20681523398579
Please if you make a Donation to this account is you can send a mail to Betiann at betiann1@sky.com so that she may send you an acknowledgement of Donation
A Registered 501(c)3 organization. TAX-deductible receipts available for USA donors.
USA address to post cheques
PO Box 257,
CA 93067
The USA now has Venmo for easier payments.
To request additional information, or receipts, from 1 April 2022 please email Caron at caron.b@cox.net
Australia Account – Rhodesian Association of Western Australia
Rhodesian Association of WA
P & N Bank
BSB 806 015
Account No. 01811882
Please include name and ZPSF in the reference. Acknowledgement will be given in our quarterly newsletter. If a receipt is required, please let Doug know at admin@rhodesianassociation.com
To everyone who has supported the Fund to date and over the years, Thank You, without your support who knows where our Golden Oldies would be. All of this happens because of people like you, our Donors ensure our wheels keep turning, you are all truly amazing. THANK YOU and God Bless.
For those who would like to find out more about us please feel free to visit our web page www.zpsf.co.za, you can also mail me on linda@zpsf.co.za or call the office on +27 137900934.
Please if you have any queries do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind Regards Linda Schultz Director – Fund Raising & Awareness for the Zimbabwe Pensioner Support Fund Phone 013 7900934Cell 079 608 2676 Email linda@zpsf.co.za Web www.zpsf.co.za Section 21 Co Reg. 2007/034036/08; NPO Number 096733; Section 18A PBO No 930031642 The 3 most important pillars of our cause: UNIQUENESS – being one of a kind and knowing that the ZPSF is driven by good will and very passionate members. TRANSPARENCY – enforcing the rule that all members must be fully informed before taking part in this noble venture. ACCOUNTABILITY – Having a traceable paper trail for every cent handled, and regular revues conducted. |