This year end trip was bound to be an epic one. Our entire group of packers were at the warehouse as we started our last pack for 2024. We spent a full 3 weeks packing all our goodies from Christmas gifts to our grocery boxes to staff boxes and Christmas gifts as well as treat boxes for the kitchens. As exhausting as it was it was so absolutely rewarding to know that the gifts and food parcels were going to such amazing people. As is normal for the end of December in Bulawayo it is absolutely boiling hot with the promise of a bit of rain but nothing actually fell at this stage.
This year we were slightly better prepared in the event of rain. We received a few pallets from some generous donors so along with the ones received last year we were ready for rain. The morning we began packing the gifts was a slow start, we were still receiving some stock from South Africa and there was more on the way. Once packing began we started to see the enormity of the job on hand. Along with the extra full grocery box and Christmas Gifts.
Eventually all our boxes are packed, Christmas gifts Packed, and it is time for us to start our Bulawayo deliveries. We have our water, snacks and everything loaded into the bakkie and it is time to go. In the car behind us we have our very special Elf sent by Santa to give all our oldies some special treats. We kicked off our deliveries by going to the homes with Kitchens first. We head off down to Queen Mary and delivered all the kitchen groceries, and all the Christmas gifts. This year was a bit different though as we had some very generous donors who made it possible for us to give grocery boxes and Christmas gifts to the permanent staff at the homes too. As we walked through giving Christmas gifts and treats there was a very cheery vibe in the home. We had some nice chats, smiles and photos with the happy bunch. Jackie Myburg was one of our ever smiling faces to receive her Christmas parcel. She always makes me laugh a little with her jokes and the funny things she says.
Next, we were off to Railsteen. As we walked through the entire home delivering gifts to all our amazing pensioners the smiles and joy were heartwarming. It was so nice to see all our oldies so excited . The first delivery was to a very excited Athea Buys, I don’t think that we could have been greeted with a bigger smile. As she received her gift we had our special elf there to greet her and give her a nice cuddle. The next Oldie to receive their gift was Mr Eddie Ferguson he also enjoyed a hug and from our elf. All our pensioners here seemed to love a little visit from our elf too.
We were then off to Edith Duly, this is another one of my favorite homes to visit, all the pensioners here have such big smiles and are always so excited to see us. Their Christmas gifts had to dropped at the office so that they could receive them on Christmas Day so that each one of them regardless of whether they received other gifts would at least receive the one from us. We, however, took our Elf along and visited each and every pensioner to have a chat and give them each a chocolate or other sweet. We spent some time with Mr PJ Bakkes, what an absolutely exceptional man. Despite having had both his legs amputated and being moved from his own home into Edith Duly he was incredibly cheerful and ready for some chit chat.
From there we headed down the road to Masonic Lodge and continued delivering Christmas gifts and groceries to all our special oldies. This month we did things a little differently and decided to deliver their grocery box and Christmas gift straight to their door. It took a lot of time but it was so worth it. As we went from unit to unit we were greeted by huge smiles and welcome hugs from every single oldie. From our lovely Mrs Klein to Mrs Emma Lourens we were welcomed with arms wide open. The feeling that these amazing pensioners gave me was something that I would be able to bottle and sell. Their smiles and giggles were truly special.
The next day we moved on to our special deliveries for Coronation Cottages. We started delivering and as we were melting on the spot the heat just seemed to become more and more intense. The smiles and joy seen on the faces of each pensioner we delivered to was just so special. As we entered the complex we were told that Mrs Mima Smith had fallen and hurt herself. Lucky for us we managed to find her in her Sons car as they were heading to the Hospital. Mima is recovering after the operation she underwent to repair the damage caused by the fall. As we drove from unit to unit we got to have a little chat with everyone. The next pensioners that we had quiet a conversation with was Ian and Irene Macky, they were ever so thankful for their grocery box and Christmas presents. They were telling us how things were going and how absolutely grateful they were. The more we delivered the more we heard from each person how these groceries had arrived just in time because they had nothing left to eat. Each time I heard this it absolutely broke my heart over and over again, the thought of these people that worked their whole lives to prepare for their retirement and now they have nothing and not due to any wrong doing on their side. All the money they had saved for their retirement is just gone and there is absolutely no recourse.
The next day we were up bright and early and ready to run, we head out to deliver at Garden Park, the heat seemed more intense now and we were starting to feel exhausted. As we started delivering you could see the smiles starting as they knew they were next. and he was so grateful. Its funny how you get so attached to the pensioners and when one passes away it really hits you. As I got to my last stop in Garden Park I remember Mrs Battis, her passing a few months prior was still setting in. She was truly an exceptional lady that left her mark on many.
We started off our morning bright and early, I head into town to load up the bakkie so that we can get on the road to Esogodini. It was a nice day with a bit of a drizzle which is always lovely here in Bulawayo it just tends to turn the roads into a bit of a disaster. As we arrive in Esogodini it is time for us to deliver to Kingshaven. We deliver all the boxes and gifts to one of the houses as everyone has gone to town to collect their meds and other basics. We took a slow ride back to Bulawayo as the rain had started to fall.
Once we arrived back in Bulawayo it was off to the warehouse again to offload our empties and once reloaded we were off to do some more of the Bulawayo outsiders which is always quiet time consuming as it is not homes but individual houses. Today I packed plenty of water as I knew what sort of heat was awaiting us. We head from home to home delivering joy to so many that day, let me tell you, there is nothing like seeing the joy in people’s eyes every time you give them their box or their prezzie. Something that is definitely needed by our Bulawayo pensioners is fresh produce and any sort of protein. We were unable to secure any donations for this purpose this year but will keep trying.
By the end of this trip I was feeling overjoyed, overwhelmed and really heartsore at the very same time. Each and every single pensioner has become so important to us and watching them smile and giggle is so absolutely precious. A lot of them asked after my Father who passed away 2 years ago, he was truly a man that loved every single pensioner he supported. It made me feel great as it always does doing something that was so very important to my Father. On occasion it felt like he was right there beside me smiling. I would like to thank each and every donor for what you have made possible. We are the face here on the ground but none of it would be possible without you.
Thank You
Mrs Caroline (Botha) Nel

Being the elf for our golden oldies in Bulawayo Christmas 2024.
I was the Christmas elf this year to spread some joy and Christmas spirit amongst all our Golden Oldies. In the days leading up to the trip the elf received a fluffy Christmas hat and festive T-shirt which only made me more excited to start visiting the pensioners. On the first day of deliveries the elf and team went to Railsteen and queen Mary . We went door to door each golden oldie receiving a Christmas prezzie with and a treat from the elf’s Santa bag. The staff received boxes of their own with a smile from ear to ear.
The next day the elf went to Edith Duly to share some Christmas spirit. The golden oldies here lit up when they received their Santa bag goodie. I took some time to chat to quite a few of them and it was so special to see them happy and smiling despite their situation. After leaving there we headed back to the warehouse to collect more boxes when I turned a corner and burst a tire. We were very lucky one of the pensioners from Coronation cottages drove by and lent us a wheel spanner to change the wheel.
On our third day of deliveries the elf and team where at Coronation cottages. Here the elf had to do some exercise walking from cottage to cottage, but it was all worth it as each person has so much history to tell and giggles to share. The Golden Oldies can be really creative, and we each received a friendship worm for our Christmas trees. This is probably with Thanks to the weekly Crafts club hosted at 5 of the homes by BHN.
Our next home to visit was Garden park , receiving big smiles and waves as we drove in. Walking around we had some fun and chats, one pensioner even stole a sneaky kiss during our photo. We popped in by our golden oldies there and gave them a sweet treat too.

Arriving at Barbra Burrel everyone was overjoyed by their Christmas prezzies and visit from Santa’s elf, we received a beautiful handmade Christmas card.
I hope to get the opportunity to be the elf again as it was really amazing to meet all of the Golden oldies and see their smiles and share the Christmas spirit. It also made me feel a lot closer to my Oupa who passed more than 2 years ago. He started this amazing project and still lives on through it.
Thank you
Candice-Ann Nel
Head office South Africa contact details:
Linda Schultz – / (C) 079 6082676
Johan Schultz – – 082 4979328
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