Our fourth and second double box trip for 2020 is currently in the planning and we are just waiting on the paperwork. This trip has once again been months in the planning due to the lockdown and all the “new” and “special” permit and paperwork requirements. We are hoping for the truck to be able to leave mid September. And then of course our Biggest trip of the year is also coming up at a speed. We will once again be doing our adopt a Golden Oldie @ R800 a Christmas box. But more details on this later. Right now we are we are 100% focused on the current upcoming trip.
The situation in Zimbabwe is unstable and extremely volatile to say the least at the moment. Prices of basics are increasing daily in both the local currency and USD, so no matter what funds, if any you have, you are constantly on the loosing side of the battle. There is just no relief. You are sitting with towns like Bulawayo who are water shedding and only get water 1 day a week for 12 hours. Our Golden Oldies who are currently most at risk are those who are not in an old age home. They are the ones with little to no support at all. They live in outside “Maids” quarters, in their own home (often falling apart) and for most of them almost total isolation. This is where our Outsiders lists are so important in trying to keep track and assist these Golden Oldies as much as possible. Letting them know we care is of utmost importance.
With Covid-19 still in play and it being such a threat to our Golden Oldies, we have placed an order so that we can top up everyone’s requirements especially the Frail Cares and wards. We are taking up once again the special Saline fluid for the nebulisers, Sani-Spray, disposable aprons (Hopefully as I am not finding stock here & these are for the frail care and wards), the maxi san which is used to disinfect communal areas, wards, kitchens dinning halls and so on. We have also managed to source additional Digital Thermometers as these are left at the entrances to all the facilities as well as the sanitisers. This is just our small effort in trying to help to keep all our Golden Oldies Safe during these incredibly scary times. As we are aware a lot of the homes for safety sake are not allowing any visitors in.
These food hampers serve 2 purposes.
1 They supply much needed food to the pensioner.
2 The pensioner then knows that someone cares about them
We are an officially registered Non-Profit Organization and Section 21A in South Africa and are registered with SARS as a Public Benefit Organization in terms of section 18A the Income Tax Act (Which means all South African donations are issued with a Tax Certificate and can be claimed back). PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU WOULD LIKE A TAX CERTIFICATE STATING ALL YOU DONATIONS. PLEASE NOTE THEY ARE ISSUED BASED ON OUR FINANCIAL PERIOD SO THE CURRENT ONES ARE FOR MARCH 2019-FEB 2020. The requested ones have been processed for 2020, so our next lot will be issued from about mid-April 2021. UK supporters can be issued with a Gift Aid Certificate via Betti-Ann McLean and the USA account is now a Registered 501(c)3 organization and as such Tax-deductible receipts available for USA donors via Alice Short.
Thank you so much for helping us support our “Golden Oldies” during these very difficult times. Your support is invaluable to us and us at the ZPSF would never be able to sustain our regular supply of relief parcels if it were not for donations such as yours. Your continued donations are a very important life line to them reminding them that we are continuously thinking about them and still care. All of this happens because of people like you, our Donors ensure our wheels keep turning, you are all truly amazing. THANK YOU and God Bless.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Director – Fund Raising & Awareness for the Zimbabwe Pensioner Support Fund
(C) 079 6082676 (T) 013 7900934
Fax to Email – 086 267 8499
Section 21 Co Reg. 2007/034036/08; NPO Number 096733; Section 18A PBO No 930031642
Alone we can do so little, together we can achieve much more!!!!

Director: Hannes Botha
084 5893221