I have always wanted to volunteer for an organization that gives back to the community. When my Uncle Neels asked if I wanted to join him on this trip I jumped at the opportunity. I was born in Cheredzi and had not been back to Zim since we left in the 80’s, so this added to my excitement. I flew from Cape Town to Joburg where Uncle Neels picked me up at the airport. I spent 2 days there with him and my Aunty Eva. It was a great chance to catch up with family.
19th October 2024
Uncle Neels and I left for Malelane where I met the wonderful ZPSF team – Johan, Linda and Frans Schultz. Linda gave me a tour of the warehouse and explained in detail about the operation of ZPSF. We had a meal at Spur and got to bed early in preparation for our trip.
20th October 2024
Johan Schultz, Neels Koekemoer and myself left Malelane bright and early to start what was for me, an adventure of a lifetime. The trip went smoothly along a beautiful, scenic route. We arrived in Luis Trichardt late afternoon and stopped to rest for the night at The Gateway. A lovely little place where we were greeted by friendly staff Candice at reception and Clearence in the bar/restaurant. We ate a delicious pizza, watched the ladies T20 and headed to bed for a good night sleep.
21st October 2024
Bright and early we started our trip to Bulawayo. We stopped to fill up with diesel in Musina and grab a bite to eat. Once we were ready to go, the truck wouldn’t start. After several attempts we realised it was the battery, so we called roadside assistance and as they were coming from Polokwane we had a 2 and a half hour wait. I believe things happen for a reason, so we just relaxed, took our books out and read to pass the time – after all this was part of the adventure. Roadside service came around midday and changed the batteries. It was too late to head to Bulawayo, so we checked into Baobab Cottages around the corner. It was a very hot day so the AC in the room was very welcoming.
22nd October 2024
Around 7am we headed for the border. Johan and I were in the bakkie and stopped off at Aunty Hester and her daughter Colleen to drop a box off and have a quick chat. They expressed their gratitude for the box. Uncle Neels went ahead with the truck as it can take longer to go through the border. I had anticipated a long wait but all went smoothly and quickly on both sides. The Zim side has jacked up their building and is nice and clean. Both truck and bakkie got through the same time. It was lovely to meet Robert, the agent for ZPSF who helps the process across the border go faster and smoother.
We were now on the very bumpy road to Bulawayo. The journey could be much quicker but thanks to the potholes and much of the road being almost non-existent, we arrived late afternoon into Bulawayo. We went to the warehouse to leave the truck so Angela, Liz and Nathan could load the boxes for our early departure the next day. We then headed to Caroline and Willem Nel’s house. Caroline made a delicious pasta with mince and we had a lovely evening together with their kids Candice, Anthony and Juan.
23rd October 2024
Bright and early, we went to the warehouse where Uncle Neels took the truck and headed for Gweru. Johan, Candice and I took the bakkie and headed to Zvishavane, a small mining town. We dropped boxes off at a bakery run by Mike Timveous who kindly helps deliver the boxes to pensioners out of town. Mike was not there but I hope to meet him if I get another opportunity to return. We headed to Muus Lodge in Shurugwi and were greeted with excitement from little Hannah who stays with her grandmother CJ Lubbe. The friendly staff offloaded the boxes, and we had a chat with Cathy Feldman and Martha Daily who expressed their gratitude for the work of ZPFS. Johan gave some chocolates to Hannah who was over the moon.
We continued onto Boggies Trust in Gweru arriving the same time as the truck and was greeted by Bruce and eager waiting residents. Once the helpful, friendly staff offloaded the boxes, residents Loraine Bronkast, Margret Bossy, Charmaine Esterhuizen, Pete Esterhuizen and Frikkie Strauss came to personally thank us for delivering the boxes and expressed how much they appreciate receiving their boxes from ZPSF.
Bruce had prepared the guest cottage for us which was cozy and comfortable. Uncle Neels and I had a little braai and enjoyed the coolness of the rain that came down. We got to bed early and had a great sleep.
24th October 2024
Around 6am we headed for Hurbert Lee Cottages in Redcliff. On our arrival the residents were already waiting with big smiles and open hearts. Carol Ferreira gave us a big warm hug and ticked off the boxes as they were offloaded by Moses and his friendly, smiling team. Johanna Wampach gave a little gift for us to take back to Linda as she expressed her gratitude for the work of ZPSF. We took photos, had a good laugh and chat with Faith Mhule, Martin Mtemeri, Walley Scrooby and Carol Ferreira who all expressed how the boxes are of great help to them. We were sent off with warm hugs.
We then headed for Lynbrook Homes in Kwekwe. Due to the rains that had fallen the dirt roads to the pension home were muddy and the potholes full of water, making it a bumpy stretch (this only allowed me to be more grateful and humble for the things in my life). Pam Evans, Fiona Brown, Bernie, Hendrick De Klerk, Maureen Bosman and Ilona Meyer greeted us with warm smiles. Fiona and Pam checked the boxes as they were offloaded before the smiley, friendly staff delivered to each resident’s cottage. I had a chat with Maureen who told me about her hip op and how she hoped to see her son soon. We chatted with the other residents over delicious chocolate cake that Ilona had made. I couldn’t help myself and took a second helping. After a mini “photo session” we were on our way.
Next stop, Westview Homes in Kadoma where Del Parkin, Elaine Sharp, Chinky Mavillier and Geoff Green were ready to greet us. Del made note of the boxes as they came off the truck and the helpful, friendly staff distributed them to the resident’s cottages. We had a good laugh and chat with Del and Chinky who expressed their gratitude for the work that ZPSF is doing.
We continued onto Greenways Trust in Chegutu. We were greeted by Kendal and her lovely, friendly staff who offloaded the boxes. Once boxes were checked and offloaded, we took some pictures and headed to our final stop of the day.
We arrived at Sunningdale Cottages in Chinhoyi late afternoon and early enough to have the boxes offload straight away, instead of waiting till the next day. We were greeted by Rev. Johan Haasbrook and Heather Nel who marked the boxes off as they came out the truck. I joined the friendly, smiling staff in the offloading which was so much fun. As I kept saying along the trip “it was my gym session” While we were offloading, residents were arriving to collect their boxes. They were so happy to see us and came to express their gratitude for the continuous work that ZPSF is doing and to give thank you cards. They wished us a continued safe journey. Seeing the smiles of the residents truly warmed my heart. Cheryl Stewart baked rusks for us to enjoy on our trip which were so delicious. We took some photos with the staff and then headed to Rev Johan’s house where he hosted us. We had a braai with a very much welcomed ice-cold beer. Letti Grundling had made some sadza and Ansie Terblanche a salad. It was all delicious and so appreciated. I had a lovely time chatting with Rev Johan who has wonderful insights on life. It had been a long day so after dinner I excused myself and went to bed. I crashed before my head hit the pillow.
25th October 2024
Bright and early and after a great night sleep, we headed for Harare. On the way a truck with an abnormal load carrying tyres hit the side mirror on the driver’s side completely off. Both Uncle Neels and I got a very big fright. We stopped to assess the damage and were just grateful there was no harm to us and no major damage to the truck. We could continue our journey driving extra slow and with caution. With these roads being so narrow it can be a little overwhelming at times, especially with no side mirror.
We arrived at John and Leonie Herbst’s house. They are an important link in distribution of boxes for Mazoe Valley Trust in Bindura, Chivhu Pensioners in Chivhu and Kariba Their wonderful, friendly staff were ready to greet us and offload the boxes. We took some photos and were offered a lovely cup of tea. Uncle Neels and I would like to give a big thank you to John who had arranged a side mirror we could use temporarily to get us back to South Africa. Both John and James were so helpful at fitting it on for us. It was a massive help as we were then able to continue our journey without worrying about not being able to see cars coming from behind us.
Around mid-afternoon we thanked John and his team and headed for Marondera but first stopping to receive a kind donation of 200l of fuel from Vit Bongiovani which is greatly appreciated. THANK YOU VIT. At Marondera, Shiela Gibson and Phyllis Banks were waiting to collect their boxes. Mrs Phyllis had baked us some delicious crunchies. Something I had not eaten in many years and reminded me of my childhood. We had a little chat with them, and they both expressed their gratitude to ZPSF and the wonderful boxes they receive.
We continued onto Rusape, stopping at Surreys for their famous pies. My uncle had been talking about them since the start of the trip and they did not disappoint. When we arrived at Resthaven late afternoon, Tony Anderson and Lesley Corbett were waiting to greet us. Tony marked off the boxes as they were offloaded by yet again, a wonderful, friendly staff. Once the boxes were delivered to the resident’s cottages, it was time to meet the residents who had prepared an afternoon tea for us. I thought this was a beautiful surprise and a very kind gesture. We were full from the pies so kept the snacks for “padkos” the next day which was very much appreciated. Sheila Foulis showed me to the guest cottage where we were to sleep. A lovely, comfortable place. We gathered outside on the grass for a wonderful celebration with Emily Harer (who called us the “Compassionate Angels” 🙂 Rose Callahan, Shiela Foulis, Pam & her daughter Robyn Coucom, Roy Hodgson, Declan McLeod, Liz Prinsloo, Mary-Lyn Smyth, Lena & Andries Sosa and Stu Taylor (who kindly brought some beers and wine for us to enjoy). We were then generously offered dinner. Each resident had prepared a dish. I felt so blessed and spoilt and fully enjoyed trying the different, delicious dishes. I offered to wash up but there was no electricity and water. A daily occurrence I was told. I realised how much we take things for granted and despite these setbacks, everyone was in high spirits. I had a wonderful time laughing and socialising till it was time to get some shuteye. I went to sleep with a heart full of gratitude.
26th October 2024
We departed Rusape as the incredible sunrise was coming up and headed for Mutare. The scenery was lush with incredible Baobab trees. The fruit from the Baobab was a must to get on this trip as it’s another childhood memory 🙂 to my delight we found some being sold along the road so I got a big bag.
When we got to Des and Sally Becker’s place in Mutare we were greeted by Collin, Sarah and the rest of the friendly, smiling staff. Des and Sally were not there but we would like to say a big thank you to them for arranging their great team to offload boxes last minute on a Saturday. Also, a big thank you for the wonderful honey. Hopefully, I’ll get to meet them another time. Once boxes were offloaded, we took some photos and had a good laugh. Sarah made me a lovely cup of tea for the road. Within an hour we were headed for Masvingo which I was looking forward to seeing as this is the place my parents went to high school. We travelled via the Birchenough Bridge and that was spectacular for me. Can’t say the same about the roads but we did make it through the bump and grind.
We arrived at Pioneer Cottages around lunchtime and were greeted warmly by Maria and Sister Patience. Once Maria had marked off the boxes and the wonderful, friendly staff delivered them to the residents it was time for photos which I have enjoyed taking throughout the whole trip. A delicious lunch consisting of green beans, sadza, wors and berry crumble/custard had been prepared for us by chef Tawando. It was a lovely blessing.
After lunch Sister Patience kindly took me to see Fort Vic High School and take some photos. It was exciting to see the school my parents attended. I then went for a walk around the city centre and really enjoyed it. The people were so friendly, and I had small chit chat here and there. I managed to find some freddo frogs and dandy bubble gum which were requests from my brothers. I headed back to Pioneer where I joined my uncle and Jimmy Millar (who was the geography teacher of my mom, dad, uncles and aunts when they attended Fort Vic High) It was enjoyable listening to them go down memory lane. I hear by all Jimmy was the best teacher there and everyone’s favourite. We then headed back to the lovely guest cottage that was kindly prepared for us to have a well-deserved sleep. The mosquitos were out of control but thank goodness for my Uncle Neel’s tabard.
27th October 2024
At the crack of dawn, we headed back to Bulawayo. We arrived around 11am and before taking the truck to the warehouse, we stopped at COLBURN to receive another generous donation of 200L fuel which is greatly appreciated. THANK YOU, TINASHE, for the assistance. At the warehouse Johan, Angela, Liz and Nathan were there to offload the empty boxes we had brought back. We then went to Caroline and Willem’s place where I took an afternoon nap. We were then treated to a lovely braai and two delicious desserts prepared by their daughter Candice.
28th October 2024
We departed bright and early for the border. We had one last stop to make between Gwanda and Beit Bridge to drop a box at Paxi Wilson who lives by herself. She had these beautiful turkeys running around. Paxi gave us some crunchies for the road trip ahead. After a quick chat we were on our way for the border where we met Robert who assisted Uncle Neels with the truck through the border. Johan and I went through with the bakkie. While the Zim side was smooth sailing, the SA side was a big mental challenge. The last thing one wants to experience after such an amazing trip. Finally, almost 3 hours later we were on the road again arriving in Luis Trichardt late afternoon. Candice at reception welcomed us back and Hendrick in the bar served us drinks and we had their delicious pizza again. I turned in nice and early and had a great sleep.
29th October 2024
After a delicious breakfast we headed back to Malelane. The journey was smooth sailing, and the tar roads were much appreciated. We arrived at Malelane around mid-day where Linda and Frans greeted us at the warehouse. After clearing out the truck and bakkie, we headed to Spur for an ice-cold beer and a bite. It was an early night as Uncle Neels and I had an early start the next day back to Joburg.
Final note:
I would like to thank all the wonderful staff who offloaded the boxes at each place we delivered. Their friendliness and smiles were contagious.
To all the pensioners whose stories, delicious food shared, laughter and warm hugs have been a wonderful blessing to me.
To the team in the Bulawayo warehouse for packing the boxes and labelling them and then those who delivers boxes to the smaller towns.
To the volunteers and continued support from kind donations all around the world. This work could not be done without your generous support.
To Linda and Johan Schultz, Caroline and Willem Nel for this incredible experience.
The ZPSF is an organisation that is authentic and transparent with massive hearts for this cause. The gratitude shown from the pensioners through the smiles on their faces and written notes, shows the importance of these boxes as most live box to box.
This whole journey has been wonderfully humbling and food for my soul. If I get another chance to volunteer, I’ll jump at the opportunity.
THANK YOU ZPSF. This experience has been incredible.
Michelle Mellett
Head office South Africa contact details:
Linda Schultz – linda@zpsf.co.za / zpsf@zpsf.onmicrosoft.com (C) 079 6082676
Johan Schultz – johan@zpsf.co.za – 082 4979328
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