Dear Friends of The Zimbabwe Pensioner Supporter Fund,
Please find in good order our fifth trip report for the year from Michelle Mellet who did the round trip along with her uncle Neels Koekemoer on the truck. All the trip pictures are available here – I hope everyone enjoys the ride along as much as I did. Thank you, to the entire team for making sure our Golden Oldies have something to smile about and to all our donors who ensure we are able to keep doing what we do!
Our team is due to leave shortly for our final trip of the year and we can’t wait to spread the JOY! Thank you so much to everyone who adopted a Golden Oldie or staff member for Christmas this year. It is of utmost importance for us to let them know they are remembered and loved over the upcoming festive season which can inevitably be an extremely lonely one. One pensioner at Boggies Trust in Gweru many years ago described what we are doing as “ CHRISTANITY IN ACTION”. On the Christmas Trip “when we also hand out a small present to each of our pensioners, one pensioner had this to say. “ I have family all over the world but the only Christmas present I had to open on Christmas day was The one from the ZPSF “.
Thank you for helping to make Christmas 2024 MAGIC

For those still wanting to make a contribution towards our Christmas trip or our January 2025 trip happening early next year please see all our banking details below. Our mission never stops and we have to keep the wheels turning.
Our Golden Oldies are part of an era that no longer exists, they stayed behind showing faith in a system, that not only let them down but totally ceased to exist. They have lost everything, farms, homes, life savings and in a lot of cases hope. This is where you come in, with your donations we show them that people all over the world still care about them. For most of our Oldies, those, separated from their families by circumstances beyond their control, Christmas is a time of particular pain and anguish which they try not to show on their old, aged faces. We try and ease the pain of our Golden Oldies as best we can by making their Christmas as special as possible and by making them feel a part of a family. They may not necessarily be friends or family but there is a worldwide network of supporters who make what we do possible.
Please click here to go to our web page for full banking details on our accounts around the world – . We have had a few people saying PayPal is no longer an option as of 2 years ago we do have WISE accounts for UK, Canada, Euro Account, New-Zealand, Australia and USA All WISE donations go through the UK account, please if you can send me an email if these accounts are used. or
Our PayPal donate link to make things easier for donors around the world:
SA Account
ACCOUNT NUMBER 62239042906
Please if you make a Donation to this account is you can send a mail to myself / so that I can send you an acknowledgement of Donation.
UK Account
Barclays Bank, West Swindon
Sort code:20-68-15
Account No: 23398579
Swift Code is:BUKGB22
IBAN is: GB49 BUKB 20681523398579
Please if you make a Donation to this account is you can send a mail to Anne Tourle so that she may send you an acknowledgement of Donation
A Registered 501(c)3 organization. Tax-deductible receipts available for USA donors.
Donations via PayPal, use the following link: and go to the USA donation link
USA address to post cheques
PO Box 257,
CA 93067
The USA now has Venmo for easier payments.
To request additional information, or receipts, please email Caron at
Please take note of the new details for donations coming via Australia
Australia – NEW Account
RSAWA. Note new account Number
BSB No: 036080, Account No: 773736
Email: Doug Capper at (for receipts).
We are currently supporting just over 1050 pensioners in 26 homes, this is about 40% of our target base. We also support SOAP in Bulawayo and have helped to set up a system similar to SOAP in Gweru, Zvishavane, Masvingo, Red Cliff, Kwe Kwe and Kadoma to cater for pensioners that are not in old age homes as well. We are an officially registered Non-Profit Organization and Section 21A in South Africa and are registered with SARS as a Public Benefit Organization in terms of section 18A the Income Tax Act (Which means all South African donations are issued with a Tax Certificate and can be claimed back). PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU WOULD LIKE A TAX CERTIFICATE STATING ALL YOU DONATIONS. The following branches are registered subbranches of the ZPSF-SA, ZPSF-UK supporters can be issued with a Gift Aid Certificate via Betti-Ann McLean and the USA account is a Registered 501(c)3 organization and as such Tax-deductible receipts available for USA-ZPSF donors via Caron Berryhill.
We appreciate any and all support received as every little bit helps us to assist the people of Zimbabwe. As you are aware it is solely your donations that keep us running. PLEASE IF YOU DO DONATE IF YOU CAN USE YOUR PHONE NO. AS A REFERANCE OR SEND ME A QUICK MAIL SO THAT WE CAN TRACE THE PAYMENT CORRECTLY AND PERSONALLY THANK YOU.
Once again, a VERY BIG THANK YOU to all our supporters. May GOD bless you all.
Thank you for your support towards our Golden Oldies, you make the Magic and we deliver it .
Doing what we say we do, real people helping real people.
Kind Regards Linda Schultz Director – Fund Raising & Awareness for the Zimbabwe Pensioner Support Fund Phone 013 7900934Cell 079 608 2676 Email Web Section 21 Co Reg. 2007/034036/08; NPO Number 096733; Section 18A PBO No 930031642 The 3 most important pillars of our cause: UNIQUENESS – being one of a kind and knowing that the ZPSF is driven by good will and very passionate members. TRANSPARENCY – enforcing the rule that all members must be fully informed before taking part in this noble venture. ACCOUNTABILITY – Having a traceable paper trail for every cent handled, and regular revues conducted. |