Dear Zimbabwe Pensioner Support Fund Supporters and Friends,
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a prosperous and healthy 2023 from all of us on the ZPSF team and on behalf of our Golden Oldies. Please find in good order what we are up to at the moment and below are a few of the Thank You’s we received for you to read. Our December trip was a bit of an upside down one with Johan ending up in flying to Zimbabwe to assist with the Bulawayo deliveries quickly and Hannes Jovner doing the complete round trip, all due to me being having to go for all sorts of tests after my Cardiologist picked up an issue. However so far all is well, so on we go. Unfortunately due to this there is no complete trip report, however there are tons of thank you’s, pictures and videos on our FB page
The office opened on Monday the 9th and the first while has been spent catching up on everything missed during our shutdown. All official thank you’s will be sent out shortly, with our load shedding Michelle has had a bit of an oops with her data base and is busy sorting it out before she can carry on sending emails which should be very shortly.
We are currently preparing for the first trip of 2023 which is currently being planned to happen early February, so its full steam ahead, and we are in the final stages of prepping for the trip and it is total chaos. This trip is being done by Johan on the truck and Daniel on the bakkie.
We at the Zimbabwe Pensioner Support Fund have some big challenges to face in 2023. And we are looking at hopefully being able to get the community in Zimbabwe more involved with what we are doing.
1.) We need local Zimbabwean volunteers to go with a truck around Zims and help with the drop offs, check name list and socialize with our Golden Oldies. This is normally for about 4-5 days per trip. Johan will be doing the round trip early Feb if anyone would like to join him.
All our activities start in Bulawayo and move from there. Due to the current circumstances in Zims at the moment we are going to be doing – Single FOOD PARCELS EVERY 2 MONTHS. This equates to 6 boxes for the 2023 year to our Golden Oldies, and we desperately need your assistance to make these trips achievable. These boxes are once again going to be as bulked up as possible.
If you can and would like assist us with the supplying of Food Parcels to our “Golden Oldies” throughout Zimbabwe or would like more details please feel free to contact us
Some THANK YOUS received over December:
Dear all the FB Group,
My apologies for the delay in thanking you all for the two unexpected and most welcome boxes of food, it was mainly due to electricity and network challenges.
Mr. Parker delivered the boxes which were a wonderful and great surprise for me, and made the world of difference for me especially this Christmas. How very kind and thoughtful of every one of the FB Group to give their time and effort to put together such wonderful well thought-out and needed hampers. Thank you to the donors and everyone concerned. May you all be blessed. Your food hampers were especially unexpected since my embassy (Italian)ignored my repeated pleas and failed to assist me. I also appealed to the WFP with no response or acknowledgement from them and one other charity organisation, who after what seemed an inquisition, did not help me on what I believe, racist grounds.
Thank you also for the extra Xmas goodies and the rechargeable light. It could not have come at a more opportune time –no longer will I have to sit in the dark for hours just waiting to go to bed! Thank you again, and may God bless you all abundantly for your generosity and may your organisation grow from strength to strength. If possible I would like to know more about Hannes Botha.
Wishing all of you, the donors and your families a safe, healthy and peaceful 2023.
Michelina Andreucci
Hello Linda,
We are Sybil and Ray Clutty living in Nyanga, Eastern Highlands Zimbabwe. We are 78 and 82 years respectively and are one of your ZPSF beneficiary couples. We have written to you before and sent a photo of us both with aprons on, stepping out onto our veranda here at home in Fisherman’s Loop Rd, Rochdale, Nyanga. The attached photo is us at a friend’s house on Christmas Day. Please note that our fancy head gear is all made by the lady of the house from old Christmas cards and her hubby makes the fruit juice from the raspberries he grows in their organic garden. They are not pensioners yet.
Usually we keep the “ goodie box”, delivered by one of Des and Sally Becker’s team from Mutare, until the evening when we place it on the dining room table and we each take a turn to dip in and take out one item each and ooh and aah and place it in the appropriate spot on the table.
This Christmas ‘goodie box’ we received before Christmas and we said we would only open it on Christmas Day, but when we were invited out to lunch as the photo shows, we decided to keep it closed until Thursday 5th Jan 2023, which will be our 60th Wedding Anniversary, which will contribute to the day being a memorable celebration.
So we really want to convey our sincere thanks and appreciation to all the donors, the organisers, the shoppers and the drivers who have made these ‘goodie boxes’ available to the Zimbabwe Pensioners for the last 20 years.
We have not heard of Hannes Botha and not sure how long we have been beneficiaries of ZPSF, but we have had many boxes and we know friends in Yorkshire UK made a donation to the fund in 2015 or 2017.
We wish you and your family and all the ZPSF team and their families a healthy and happy year ahead wherever they may be.
Love and sincere thanks again,
Sybil and Ray Clutty
Nyanga Outsiders
2nd December 2022,,
Good Morning Linda and all connected with ZPSF
On behalf of my husband and myself, we would like to take this opportunity of sending a very BIG THANK YOU to each and every one of your staff and of course all the very generous donors who contribute to our Pensioners grocery boxes.
These boxes I can assure you and all concerned are so greatly appreciated by us, and assist us immensely.
On another note, Our children Craig and Christie Riley who live in the Kent area in UK, attend the monthly braai’s, and contribute to the ZPSF from their side, to help towards the funds to assist with all the grocery boxes you send to all Zimbabwean Pensioners.
Also thank you for the extra little gifts that are included in our Christmas Boxes, very much appreciated.
We would like to WISH EACH AND EVERYONE INVOLVED A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR, and praying it will be a better year for us all no matter where we all live in the world.
With Kindest Regards, AND A BIG THANK YOU
Good Day Linda,
on behalf of Johanna and I, Colin Klassen, residing at No 1 Park Cottages, Eastern Highlands, we would like to thank you and our donors very much indeed for the generous hamper we received for Christmas.
We are truly very grateful and appreciative and really blessed with your kindness and generosity.
The hamper was such a treat with all our favorite things we love and enjoy and it was so much pleasure to emptying the box and grumble with each other, this is mine, and enjoying the precious moments.
Again, we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being there for us and we are truly blessed to have such wonderful guiding angels as yourselves. We can never thank you enough.
We wish you a wonderful festive holiday too and a really prosperous New Year, covered with blessings over and over.
Love and Good Tidings
Kind Regards
Colin and Johanna.
As most are aware 2022 was an incredibly difficult / emotional year for the fund and our Golden Oldies in Zimbabwe who’s tenacity is once again being tested to the max, but we are still here and on we shall go no matter what. For those who have been supporting us for a long time you have seen the regular trip reports, read all about the challenges, trials and loses we have had. This is not an easy undertaking by any means and trust me we take all the losses very personally. However with everyone’s support out there and your continued prayers we are managing to keep doing what we do even in these unprecedented times.
These food hampers serve 2 purposes.
1 They supply much needed food to the pensioner.
2 The pensioner then knows that someone cares about them
We are an officially registered Non-Profit Organization and Section 21A in South Africa and are registered with SARS as a Public Benefit Organization in terms of section 18A the Income Tax Act (Which means all South African donations are issued with a Tax Certificate and can be claimed back). PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU WOULD LIKE A TAX CERTIFICATE STATING ALL YOU DONATIONS. They will be issued once our Financial Year End has been processed, so from about mid-April 2022. The following branches are registered sub branches of the ZPSF-SA, ZPSF-UK supporters can be issued with a Gift Aid Certificate via Betti-Ann McLean and the USA account is a Registered 501(c)3 organization and as such Tax-deductible receipts available for USA-ZPSF donors via Caron Berryhill.
Thank you so much for helping us support our “Golden Oldies” during these crazy times. Your support is invaluable and we at the ZPSF would never be able to sustain our regular supply of relief parcels if it were not for donations and support such as yours. All of this happens because of people like you, our Donors ensure our wheels keep turning, you are all truly amazing. THANK YOU and God Bless.
We hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us, ask your questions, check the references that we give you and then PLEASE support our old Rhodesian pensioners who have nowhere to go.

Kind Regards Linda Schultz Managing Director – Fund Raising & Awareness for the Zimbabwe Pensioner Support Fund Phone 013 7900934 Cell 079 608 2676 Email Web Section 21 Co Reg. 2007/034036/08; NPO Number 096733; Section 18A PBO No 930031642 The 3 most important pillars of our cause: UNIQUENESS – being one of a kind and knowing that the ZPSF is driven by good will and very passionate members. TRANSPARENCY – enforcing the rule that all members must be fully informed before taking part in this noble venture. ACCOUNTABILITY – Having a traceable paper trail for every cent handled, and regular revues conducted. |