Dear Friends & Supporters,
On behalf of all of us here at ZPSF, May 2025 bring you so much joy and success in abundance. Happy new year, let this year be a source of encouragement, joy, and positivity for all. Here’s to 2025 year filled with new opportunities, personal growth, and shared happiness.
Please find in good order what we are up to at the moment. There are tons of thank you’s, pictures and videos on our FB page from this past Christmas trip – I have attached Caroline Nel’s trip report along with her Elfs story in the meantime so one can get the feel of how awesome our Christmas 2024 delivery trip was.
As usual there were a few organisations / people that were a huge help in ensuring the Christmas trip was the success it was:
- All our supporters and donors who sponsored the Golden Oldies and staff boxes
- Darling Romery and their incredible donation toward the Christmas trip
- Colbro Bulawayo who assisted with a fuel donation
- Concrete Solutions in Harare who assisted with a fuel donation
- Heymans Kole in Hectorspruit who assisted with a fuel donation
- Tau Meule from Brits for their donation of 12.5kg bags of maize
- To Rhodesian Association of Western Australia and Doug for the use of their bank account
- Our 2 wonderful teams who run the UK branch via Ann & Beti-Ann and USA branch via Caron & team, both of these teams are invaluable to us
- Rhodesians Worldwide magazine & Chris Whitehead for helping us keep the memory alive, you can support them by subscribing to Chris on for $25 per year
PLEASE NOTE – The new details for donations made in Australia are below
Account Name : Rhodesian Services Association of WA Inc ” ZPSF Fund”
BSB 036080
Account No. 773736
Please include name and ZPSF in the reference. Acknowledgement will be given in our quarterly newsletter. If any queries or receipts are required Neville Abrams is the new contact
Some people are still sending donations to the old account, and we will endeavour to contact them individually to notify them of the new account details as the old account will soon close and we do not wish to lose any donations for the ZPSF. There are some however for whom we do not have the details to notify them. ……
John Godsmark
Shirley Trembath
We also have a regular monthly payment from Q Bank and another regular payment from Bank of Queensland. Not sure how we are able to find the details for these donations as they do not put any name in the “reference field” when making payment. Maybe when you send your next email out people will note the new details as we would not like to lose any donations for the ZPSF.
Our new 2025 PayPal donate link to make things easier for donors around the world:
Lets be honest, without everyone’s assistance these wheels would not turn and we are so grateful to everybody who assists us in which ever way possible. As most are aware 2024 was an incredibly difficult / emotional year for the fund and our Golden Oldies in Zimbabwe who’s tenacity is once again being tested to the max, but we are still here and on we shall go no matter what. For those who have been supporting us for a long time you have seen the regular trip reports, read all about the challenges, trials and loses we have had. This is not an easy undertaking by any means and trust me we take all the losses very personally. However, with everyone’s support out there and your continued prayers we are managing to keep doing what we do even in these unprecedented times.
The office had a soft opening on Tuesday the 7th and the first while has been spent catching up on everything missed during our shutdown. All official thank you’s have been sent out, please if you have not received yours please let us know. We are currently preparing for the first trip of 2025 which is currently being planned to happen mid-February, we are just waiting on a few stock orders and then it’s a go.
In between all of this I have been suffering with torn tendons and calcified damaged muscle in my right shoulder that have now along with other damage to it necessitated that I need to go in for a bit if a tune up by my specialist. We completed my Cardiac exam yesterday and much to everyone’s approval and surprise there is currently no further deuteriation of my heart so I am as good as I could be to go under the knife. Of course, all the usual high risk measure will have to be in place, but at least they can hopefully relieve some of this pain.
These food hampers serve 2 purposes.
1 They supply much needed food to the pensioner.
2 The pensioner then knows that someone cares about them
Our Various Banking Details:
Our new 2025 PayPal donate link to make things easier for donors around the world:
We have had a few people saying PayPal is no longer an option as of 2 years ago we do have WISE accounts for – wise-bank-account-details-for-uk-canada-euro-new-zealand-australia-usa
SA Account
ACCOUNT NUMBER 62239042906
Please if you make a Donation to this account is you can send a mail to myself so that I can send you an acknowledgement of Donation.
UK Account – Our NEW UK banking details:
Barclays Bank, West Swindon
Sort code:20-68-15
Account No: 23398579
Swift Code is:BUKGB22
IBAN is: GB49 BUKB 20681523398579
Please if you make a Donation to this account is you can send a mail to Anne Tourle so that she may send you an acknowledgement of Donation
A Registered 501(c)3 organization. Tax-deductible receipts available for USA donors.
Donations via PayPal, use the following link: and go to the USA donation link
USA address to post cheques
PO Box 257,
CA 93067
The USA now has Venmo for easier payments.
To request additional information, or receipts, please email Caron at
The new details for donations made in Australia are below
Account Name : Rhodesian Services Association of WA Inc ” ZPSF Fund”
BSB 036080
Account No. 773736
Please include name and ZPSF in the reference. Acknowledgement will be given in our quarterly newsletter. If any queries or receipts are required Neville Abrams is the new contact
We are an officially registered Non-Profit Organization and Section 21A in South Africa and are registered with SARS as a Public Benefit Organization in terms of section 18A the Income Tax Act (Which means all South African donations are issued with a Tax Certificate and can be claimed back). PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU WOULD LIKE A TAX CERTIFICATE STATING ALL YOU DONATIONS. They will be issued once our Financial Year End has been processed, so from about mid-April 2024. The following branches are registered sub branches of the ZPSF-SA, ZPSF-UK supporters can be issued with a Gift Aid Certificate via Betti-Ann McLean and the USA account is a Registered 501(c)3 organization and as such Tax-deductible receipts available for USA-ZPSF donors via Caron Berryhill.
Thank you so much for helping us support our “Golden Oldies” during these crazy times. Your support is invaluable and we at the ZPSF would never be able to sustain our regular supply of relief parcels if it were not for donations and support such as yours. All of this happens because of people like you, our Donors ensure our wheels keep turning, you are all truly amazing. THANK YOU and God Bless.
We hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us, ask your questions, check the references that we give you and then PLEASE support our old Rhodesian pensioners who have nowhere to go.
Kind Regards
Linda Schultz
Director – Fund Raising & Awareness for the Zimbabwe Pensioner Support Fund
Phone 013 7900934 Cell 079 608 2676
Email /
Section 21 Co Reg. 2007/034036/08; NPO Number 096733; Section 18A PBO No 930031642
The 3 most important pillars of our cause:
UNIQUENESS – being one of a kind and knowing that the ZPSF is driven by good will and very passionate members.
TRANSPARENCY – enforcing the rule that all members must be fully informed before taking part in this noble venture.
ACCOUNTABILITY – Having a traceable paper trail for every cent handled, and regular revues conducted.