We, Otto and I cleared the border on Thursday 22nd at about 9 pm after an altercation with our clearing agents one employee who “MISSLAID” our import permits and we had to pay to have a new batch couriered to us overnight from Harare. Man, can it get more sinister!!
Thankyou to Dave Ellis, Patrick Scott Martin and of course their loyal Attendant cum Manager, Mr. Philemon who came in and specially refueled us after our protracted delay with ZIMRA. Whilst on the subject of fuel, thanx to Turville Kille again for opening up and fueling us in Harare on Saturday morning. You people are so considerate and good to us. This fuel is sponsored by Mr. Scott Martin, thank you sir.
We drove through to Masvingo arriving at 2 am on Friday 23rd and took in a well earned quick nap to rise again and do our deliveries to the homes and depart by 10 am.
We did our delivery in Chivhu and our good friend Mrs. Lennie Kirsten would not let us go on without the “have to have” cup of tea and cookies and a small bag for the road. Again I say, these dear folk don’t ever let you pass without sharing of their meager sustenance keeping aside some dough and oil for the ones that help them. God is so good. You drive away washing down the cookies with tears.
On arrival in Harare we met with our good friends Mike and Marion Futter whom ably man the task of distributing the goods we drop there. Their two sons made quick work of off loading the supplies we brought through and they organized that Anton Luis from Borradaile Trust in Marondera, who were due in Harare early the following week, would pick up the goods we had for them.. That enabled us to run through to Malvern Trust in Mvurwi and do our customary visit and drop there.
We spent the night at Phillip and Claire, being well catered for in every aspect and paid in Zim $ for our effort. Got Zdoll.100,000,000,000,000:00 by the way of 10 x ZDoll.10,000,000,000,000:00 (trillions) Actually, as I use these in presentations he virtually gave them to me. I parted with a few Rand in exchange. After refueling with Turville early Saturday 24th, we set off for Sunningdale home in Chinhoyi, on to Westview in Kadoma, spent some time with the folk and drove on to Kwe kwe to overnight with Ken Connelly and his dear wife. They in turn organized a braai with some of the folk from Lynbrook as well as some of the outside folk we never get to see. We had a great time and a great feast. Thank you guys, God bless you.
Early Sunday 25th we did our deliveries to Lynbrook and proceeded to do Hubert Lee in Redcliff before going on to Gweru, did our delivery to Huisvergesig where the men folk were all at church and the ladies, bless them Lord, helped to disperse the hampers.
We moved on to Sherugwe to do M.U.U.S Lodge. Here we were met by a bunch of happy people, really thankful to see us. Fortunately we always carry spare hampers and we were able to
cater for 4 new folk not listed with us. We were again treated to tea and cookies by Fred and Sannie Vermaak who gave us a run down on who’s who and so on.
At this point I must add, at every stop we had, we were enthusiastically thanked and ordered to pass on those thanks to ALL who made up Christmas gifts and gift hampers and parcels for all our Oldies throughout Zimbabwe. The men pulled out their pocketknives and the ladies graced us with various sweet fragrances. Some even dried tears of thankfulness with their new feminine lacey handkerchiefs. Everyone remembered the Christmas fruit cakes and crackers. Well done to our donors of these items, countrywide. You made us look good.
We returned to Gweru and spent the night with Otto’s friends, Pastor Peter Albasini and his wife who spoilt us with a really tasty meal of which I will not divulge any further detail, it was good. It is just wonderful how we are blessed on these trips with good food because when we started this outreach project some seven odd years ago, even as recent as 2007, we were loathe to allow folk to feed us. It is amazing how God is blessing not only the oldies, but us too. He says in his Word, those who look after and care for the aged and needy will be blessed. It is so good to be doing His work and receiving His Blessing through the hands of the needy. God is good. Proverbs. 22:9, Proverbs. 28:27, Psalm. 71:9 and Leviticus.19:32.
Some interesting quotes by “Mother Teresa” that help to motivate one away from “me and mine” to – – the needs of others; Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, I think is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than those who have nothing to eat. Our hugs cannot be measured in effort, give them where and when you can.
At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have, or how much money we have accumulated or achieved in the corporate world; we will be judged by – – “I was hungry and you gave me to eat, hungry not only for bread, but for love, was naked and you clothed me, naked not only for clothing, but for human dignity and respect; was homeless and you took me in, homeless not only for want of a room of bricks, but homeless because of rejection. We, on these trips, are often confronted by such love in empty eyes that allow you to peek into the hungry souls of these dear, dear rejected loved ones who not only wait for their food hamper, but more so, that honest hugging yummy resounding, “How are you. Good and glad to see you again”.
On Monday morning 26th we did Boggies in Gweru and there learnt that Liz Hatfield had just lost her hubby, Ron, three days prior to our arrival on the 21st January. We left our condolences, it was a sad time. After some quality time with the folk, we headed for the border arriving around 4.30 pm and clearing out and back in S.A. in two hours. We were back in Duiwelskloof around 9 pm and Otto pressed on to his home arriving home after midnight.
Hannes also had a good trip and met with some folk, namely Mr. M.C. Eloff and
Mr. Frik du Preez from the Orkney area, who did some stops with him and saw what we do and how we operate. Hannes has also been talking to our clearing agent in Beit Bridge to streamline our border crossing in order to save time and money so we can be more efficient and run the trips according to schedule.
Folks, that about sums up the January trip. We should be back up there mid March with the two Nissan trucks and maybe the Dyna too. Oh yes, our Danny boy, Daniel Koekemoer should have his truck license by then – – – go for it young man!
Thank you all once again and God bless you all.
Pastor Attie Botha.
Cell : 0829012291 email : thebothas2@telkomsa.net